The Estate News & Blog


Purim and Alcohol Addiction

Posted by Hannah Prager on February 28, 2021 at 7:03 PM

Being Jewishhaving family members in addiction recovery, and now working for a treatment center for alcoholism and addiction, I wanted to learn more about Purim, and the commandment to drinkI had the opportunity to (virtually) sit down and learn with Rabbi Dr. Chaim Meyer Tureff to learn about the roots of Purim, how serious is this commandment, and what does it mean for the recovery community and their and loved ones?  

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Topics: Addiction, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate

Is My Husband an Alcoholic? Here's What You Need to Know.

Posted by Hannah Prager on January 29, 2021 at 3:31 PM

Maybe your husband or loved one is exhibiting questionable behavior related to alcohol, and it doesn't feel right. Know that you are not alone. 12.7% of American adults have an alcohol use disordercolloquially known as alcoholism. We’re going to talk about signs you’re in a relationship with an addict, as well as strategies to cope and heal.  

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Functioning Alcoholic, Professional, Treatment, Functioning Addict, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Employment, Doctor, Physicians, Soberman's Estate, family, Intervention

Equine Therapy with an Expert

Posted by Janice Story on November 30, 2020 at 10:22 AM

Janice Story has over thirty years of expert horsemanship. She is an Equine Therapy Coach, who trains and certifies fellow Equine Therapists. She is also a gifted Meditation Coach, Mind-Body-Spirit Practitioner, Reiki master, Published Author, Speaker, and Ordained Minister. In this article Janice shares the role of a horse in Equine Therapy, which is often misunderstood.

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Topics: Certification, Addiction, Treatment, Recovery, Impaired Professional, Soberman's Estate

Addiction Symptoms and Treatment for Professional Men

Posted by Frank Saverino, LPC, LISAC on October 28, 2020 at 12:56 PM

While there are many issues that are universal in treating addiction, professional men often have specific challenges that must be understood and addressed. The men we treat most often still have their careers and their families. They have been extremely successful in those careers and have done well financially. They often are highly respected by others, especially outside their family. These successes often cloud the reality of their illness and contribute to their denial. Often there are enablers in their lives who do not know how to intervene. They come to us following some type of crisis, be it related to work or their families. Just the act of coming to a rehab and admitting to others that they have a serious problem is difficult for them. They see themselves as strong, stable, intelligent and proud. So, when they arrive here, their defenses are going to be up, and they continue to portray this persona of having it all together. Losing control is abhorrent to them. Control is important to their success in life. Unfortunately, with the disease of addiction, holding on to the notion that you can control it can have deadly consequences.

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Topics: Addiction, Executives, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, athletes, Substance Abuse, Physicians, Impaired Professional, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate, family

The Effects of Social Isolation During a Pandemic

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on June 4, 2020 at 9:52 PM

Americans across the nation are experiencing varying degrees of social isolation, and it is a pressing matter for the general health of the populace. This is due to the fact that humans require social interaction in order to remain healthy. With a pandemic forcing people to distance themselves from each other in order to slow down the spread of the virus, social isolation is an inevitable occurrence. But what exactly are the risks of social isolation on people during a pandemic, and what options are available to mitigate its effect?

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Topics: Precautions, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate, Covid19

Soberman’s Estate Supports Recovery Community

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on May 7, 2020 at 1:11 PM

In these difficult times with COVID-19, we have seen many people find solutions to problems they thought they would never have.

Soberman’s Estate is responding innovatively to COVID-19.

With the elimination of in-person 12-step and group support meetings, Soberman’s Estate created an online directory of virtual meetings.

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Topics: Treatment, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Zoom, online meetings, Self-Help Groups, Alumni, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate

8 Chicks Admitted to Men's Rehab

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on April 16, 2020 at 9:33 AM

"From Farm to Table" is the goal for Jesse Busch, Executive Chef at Soberman's Estate.

"I grew up living on a farm and have experience raising chickens and growing organic gardens. There is a spiritual connection when you grow your own vegetables." says Chef Jesse. Of course these chicks will grow up and start producing eggs, but Chef Jesse has a grander vision. His plans include introducing goats for fresh goat milk, an orchard and multiple greenhouses to incorporate organic produce into the Soberman's Estate menu.

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Topics: Treatment, Recovery, Soberman's Estate, Organic, Healthy, Vegtables, Farm, Farmfresh

Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on April 1, 2020 at 1:48 PM

Wood on Covid-19 sobriety: 'If I can do it, you can'

Updated / Saturday, 28 Mar 2020 12:43
Origional Post Saturday, 28 Mar 2020

Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood used his time on the Brendan O'Connor Show on RTÉ Radio One on Saturday to encourage people to look after their sobriety during the Covid-19 emergency.

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Topics: Treatment, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Self-Help Groups, Alumni, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate, Covid19, Ronnie Wood

Times are Changing for Self Help Programs

Posted by Soberman's Contributor on March 25, 2020 at 8:06 AM

At Soberman’s Estate, we provide outreach and information to our Alumni on a regular basis and feel it is pertinent to everyone in our recovery community to be privy to the information below. Although our program is not based on Self-help programs, we support our Alumni in finding any resources which are helpful to recovery.

In-person meetings are the lifeline of Self Help programs across the country and across the world. The ability to meet with other addicts and alcoholics has a grounding effect on everyone’s who attends. With the onset of COVID-19 many meetings are being temporarily cancelled and access to the many locations have ceased because of the instruction to increase social distancing.

Local Intergroup offices are trying to keep up with the changes which are occurring with meeting schedules and they are more than willing to assist you in finding in-person meetings which are currently active. In addition, “The Grapevine” which is usually a paid subscription for members can now be accessed online for free to support self-help members with reading personal recovery stories and listening to personal stories through the Grapevine YouTube channel online.

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Topics: Treatment, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Zoom, online meetings, Grapevine, Self-Help Groups, Alumni, Alcoholism, Soberman's Estate

The Estate Blog

Soberman’s Estate’s blog has a primary goal to connect with those in need, support the recovery community, and provide inspiring articles, opinions, research, and information to help others make the right decisions about treatment, and help them reach their potential in recovery.

In the News:

TREATMENT Magazine: Soberman's Estate Innovates Accelerated Resolution Therapy

Highline Auto's: "The Road to Recovery"

Together AZ: "In the Shadow of the Saguaro"

Real Leaders Podcast: Let's Talk About the Opioid Crisis

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