Where do professional athletes go for help when they need treatment for alcoholism or other addictions? What resources are available to help athletes with their addictions? Is there a recovery expert that understands their profession and their lifestyle? What type of help is available that addresses the recovery needs of an athlete? Are there confidential and discreet recovery treatment options?
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Topics: Addiction, Professional, Treatment, Recovery, athletes, NBA, NFL
Treating the High Functioning Alcoholic or Addict
Have you ever heard the term “high-functioning addict” or “functioning alcoholic”? There’s a good possibility you know one, and don’t realize it. Functioning alcoholics and addicts are people that can hide their addictions by appearing to “have it together”. We often associate addiction with someone who has “hit rock bottom” and cannot function although, most of the time that’s not the case. A person can suffer from addiction while living what appears to be a normal life. This article addresses what it means to be a high-functioning alcoholic or a high functioning addict and recommends appropriate treatment.
Topics: Addiction, Executives, Functioning Alcoholic, Professional, Treatment, Functioning Addict, Recovery
Are you aware of the economic toll the opioid crisis is causing in our country?
The cost of the country’s opioid crisis is estimated to have exceeded $1 trillion from 2001 to 2017, and is projected to cost an additional $500 billion by 2020, according to analysis released by Altarum, a nonprofit health research and consulting institute.
Topics: Addiction, Executives
About half of all people with eating disorders also have substance use disorder. That's why at Soberman's Estate we have an executive chef and a nutritionist to support our clients and staff.
Topics: Eating Disorders, Addiction
Prevalence of Substance Use among Executives
Are you aware of the prevalence of executives and professionals with substance use disorder?
Data from a 2015 SAMHSA report reveals that:
Of the individuals employed in the management sector (e.g., business executives and other managers), 11.4 percent had a diagnosis of a substance use disorder within the year prior to the survey.
Topics: Addiction, Executives